9 Ways To Improve Mental Health

Mental health has been surrounded by stigmas for a long time, but it’s a very real, very hard thing. I have suffered from different mental health issues for as long as I can remember, and some days are okay, and some are hard. This week, I am sharing with you 9 ways to improve your mental health to help make your days easier.

*Disclaimer: I am not a professional and these tips are in no way a means to “cure” any mental illnesses you may have. They are merely a suggestion to try to help you improve your mental health. If your symptoms are severe, please seek professional help.

1. Eat Better

Healthy meals have been proven to help mental health. I’m not saying don’t have that piece of chocolate you’ve been thinking about all day, but eating healthier meals throughout the day will make your body feel better, and your mind will thank you for it.

2. Better Sleep

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t get a solid 8-9 hours of sleep, my emotions are all over the place. I’m more likely to be irritable and snappy, and eventually my mind and body just shut down. A good nights sleep is important for mental health.

3. Exercise

Exercising releases endorphins and serotonin which improves your mood. Exercise can also help with sleep, which will also improve your mood.

4. Manage Stress

This is an obvious one, but stress has a huge impact on your mental health. There are different ways to reduce stress including exercise and sleeping regularly.

5. Reduce Negativity

Your emotions and environment around you have a large impact on your mental health. If the things around you are full of negativity, it will affect other aspects of your life.

6. Journal

Daily journaling improves our memory as well as mental health. Daily gratitude journaling will change how you like at your life and the world around you.

7. Self Care

Self care is important for your mind and body. Always remember to take time for yourself, and make time to do the things you love.

8. Read

Reduce your screen time and read more. Reading opens our minds and allows us to grow. If you find you are unable to focus on reading, audiobooks are a great alternative.

9. No More Expectations

We all build up expectations in our heads, and more often than not, we wind up heavily disappointed. Getting rid of expectations will improve your mental health by taking away the stress and disappointed emotions that follow.


These are just some of the ways to help improve mental health. If you suffer from any mental illness, please do not be afraid to seek help. You’re not alone, and it’s going to be okay.


If any of my readers suffer from any mental illness and need someone to talk to, or if you just ant o talk in general, please do not hesitate to contact me via Instagram or email (which can be found in my About Me Page). I love you and I want to hear from you.


Stay tuned.


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